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Sales Deck – Add a Studio

  1. Add the studio to the Table of Contents slide under the correct solution (Print, Digital, Lease, etc.). If it will be in more than one solution, add it in all relevant areas.
  2. Go to the Studios/Deck Pages folder and duplicate the slide stack “01.Template.Deck.02.Studio” and rename the newly generated slide to the format “02.Studio name.Solution”. For example, the 360 studio would be “02.360 Studio.Digital”.
    – All studio slides should begin with the number “02”.
    – If a studio can be print or digital, for example, the Glamour, you can build out one, and duplicate the studio slide deck for the 2nd. Just be sure to name each correctly.
  3. Build out the details on the first page.
    Page One
    – The page title should be in all caps. Remember to copy it to each page.
    – The included graphic should fit within the white framed box and should be a graphic that best represents the service in one graphic. For the bus, a graphic of the bus, for the cookies, a graphic of the Output, etc.
    – The Experience section should be descriptive, as well as visual but subtle. Use ChatGPT for help if needed (16pt).
    – The Features section should list all features included with every rental for no additional fee (13pt, bulleted).
    – The Options/Upgrades section should include recommended upgrades and options that will incur additional fees (13pt, bulleted).
    – The Logistics section should include any logistical details a client may need to make a decision, including set up and strike times, power, internet, etc. (9pt, 0.8 line spacing between items)
    Page Two – Outputs
    – Be sure the page title is correct
    – Add Output images. 2 rows of 3-4 graphics is probably best. Avoid any graphics which reference Smash Booth, including logos and red bowlers.
    Page Three – Setup Graphics
    – Be sure the page title is correct
    – Add set up images including various wraps, angles, etc. 2 rows of 3-4 graphics is probably best. Avoid any graphics which reference Smash Booth, including logos and red bowlers.
  4. Links
    – Return to page one.
    – On the right, take note of the link area. You will need to visit the ToC and see what the studio trio to this one is and add. For example, if you are working on the Glamour Print Studio, the next will be the LED Badge Studio and the previous will be the Cookie Studio. Change “Next – ” to “Next – LED Badge Studio” and change “Previous – ” to “Previous – Cookie Studio”.
    – Next, link each to their respective slide stack.
    Highlight this box, select it and copy it. On page two, select the same box, hit “delete”, then “CNTL+V” to paste the links to page 2. Repeat for page 3.
    Note – If you are adding a new studio, you MUST fix the links in the studio slide stack before and after this new studio slide stack to point to your new studio. They will currently point skip over it.
  5. Link the ToC. Go back to where you added the studio in step one and link that text to your new studio slide stack.