Classic Wedding Photo Booth at Dragon Ridge Golf Club in Las Vegas

Event Type: Wedding
Event Location: Dragon Ridge Golf Club, Las Vegas
Sb Photo Booth Kiosk: Sb: Pro
Photo Booth Set Up Style: Open
Photo Strip Size: 4x6
Photo Strip Template: 4054 Vegas Baby!
Photo Booth Backdrop: 107b Paper Flower Wall
Features: N/A
4x6 photo and three men posing with white flower wall backdrop
Group posing with props and white flower wall backdrop

Ready to lock in Las Vegas' premier photo booth for your event? Use the button below to check availability and get started!

Las Vegas is not only the wedding capital of the world, but also the convention capital of the world. So what's this mean to you? It means photo booth rental dates fill fast! If you know you're going to book, let's get your photo booth rental locked in and we can figure out the specific afterwards.

I can't wait for you to love Smash Booth!