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Session Bonus

It is paramount that you provide the client and their guests with as many photo sessions as we can. Guests enjoy taking photos and enjoyment leads to better and more frequent bookings and reviews, which are both crucial to our success. Because it is so important to take many photos, we have implemented a Session Bonus.

  • Session Bonus
    • The amount varies depending on your Host Lvl.
    • A session is essentially from the time a count down begins, till the moment a guest receives their Output.
    • The bonus is calculated by the count of outputs delivered to the client within their gallery and does NOT include any outputs we choose to remove from the client’s gallery.
      • Reasons an Output may be removed from a gallery include, improper framing or lighting, obvious situation in which the client took a 2nd session because they were unhappy with the first (a “retake”), guest’s clearly distracted with something outside the session, a child taking photos over and over, etc.
    • In the case that an event falls at the end of a pay period and we are unable to collect a session count till after the pay period is closed, we will payout a session bonus calculated at 30 session per hour of the event. The over or under of the count will be reflected in the next pay period.
  • Increasing Session Counts
    • Slow/Dead Booths
      • Ask guests to “help with a test shot”. People are more inclined to help if they’re shy.
      • Sessions encourage sessions. If no one is engaging, try doing your own session, often times guests will see the flash, or movement and it will encourage their engagement.
      • Sometimes guests can be timid to approach a hosted booth. Try leaving to get a water or use the restroom, you may return to a crowd around the booth.
      • Ask the DJ to announce the booth is open.
      • Make it a “duty” of the guest. Say something like “”Client” is hoping everyone participates so they’re able to complete their album/gallery, etc”.
      • Create urgency, “you should jump in and take a photo while there’s no line”
    • It’s easier to encourage a 2nd, or 3rd session than it is a first. Take advantage of guests being engaged with the booth.
      • “Let’s take a black and white now”
      • “Before you go, let’s try one without props”
      • “Did I hear that’s your sister in line? You guys have to do one together!”
      • “You should gather your table! Let’s get a table shot”
      • “This is a great “before photo”, now go have a couple drinks and come back for the “after shot””
      • Try to get all the bridesmaids or groomsmen if it’s a wedding
      • If a couple is doing a session, suggest they do solo shots as well.
      • Encourage a fun environment. If guests are enjoying themselves, they’ll stick around and come back. Suggest poses, make jokes, create conversations, ask where they’re from, what they’ve done while they’ve been in town, etc.